Monday, May 17, 2010

Cannot open Task Manager?

It’s been long time that I didn’t post any~
Today I gonna post one problem that I encountered.
As title there, today my laptop infected with some kind of infection, probably from other’s pendrive that pass into my laptop.
If u seeks help from expert, most probably they will install a good anti-virus and have a full scan. Maybe there will be infection detected, and maybe not. I’m not sure what kind of infection is this but I managed to fix it guide from internet.
*This is for *Disabled Task Manager* only and even u logged on ur computer using administrator account, if u have this problem then u can continue with the next steps.
1. Click “Start” and type “regedit”
2. Run it as “administrator”
3. Expand ur registry editor by HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > System
* It must be there, if u don’t find it, redo the expand process carefully.
4. System there will be “(Default)” and others.
5. DELETE other registry that available there EXCEPT “(Default)” registry
6. Viola and u are done now. U can access to ur task manager again.
*If ur computer doesn’t let u access into registry editor, U can still use other utilities software that comes with registry function.
*My recommendation is Tune-up utilities.
*This method tested work on Window Vista Home Premium. If u are using other windows, u can still try this method, but try at ur own RISK~ :)